Sealyham Terrier
The real ones belong to this breed - loyal and faithful - friends. Silikhem-terriers are…

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Russian hunting sighthound
Russian canine greyhounds are ideal hunting dogs, the national treasure of our country. Russian greyhounds…

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East Siberian Like
East Siberian huskies are intelligent and agile hunting dogs with a balanced psyche and excellent…


One of the largest dogs in the world and the most ideal family pet! Newfoundland…


firmly defending

Kerry Blue Terrier
Kerry Blue Terrier is the national symbol of Ireland. Appearance Kerry Blue Terriers are strong,…


Caucasian Shepherd Dog
Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are bold, bright and noble dogs, loyal to their family and suspicious…


Moscow Watchdog
Moscow watchdogs are very strong, versatile dogs, created by special order of the Ministry of…
