Bedlington terrier
Adorable dogs that look like sheep. Appearance The Bedlington Terrier is a small, graceful dog…

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Kerry Blue Terrier
Kerry Blue Terrier is the national symbol of Ireland. Appearance Kerry Blue Terriers are strong,…

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Bobtails are incredibly intelligent dogs with a calm, harmonious character. They are good-natured, sensible, friendly,…


Boston terrier
Boston terriers are incredibly good dogs who are not grudging. They love to walk, play…



Welch Terrier

Welsh Terriers are very initiative and always strive to be in the center of attention. They are intelligent, energetic, active and able to act quickly and without prompting. This breed is peculiar to some stubbornness, which, however, is smoothed out by proper training.
Welsh Terriers are small hunting dogs that look like Airedale Terriers. The maximum height of the representatives of the breed is 39 cm, and the weight is 9.5 kg. Continue reading

The poodles harmoniously combine beauty, intelligence, friendliness and optimism. These dogs have a sensitive and…


One of the largest dogs in the world and the most ideal family pet! Newfoundland…


Bedlington terrier
Adorable dogs that look like sheep. Appearance The Bedlington Terrier is a small, graceful dog…
