Beaver york
Beaver yorkies are ideal dogs for apartment keeping. Appearance A beaver york is a miniature,…

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Beaver york
Beaver yorkies are ideal dogs for apartment keeping. Appearance A beaver york is a miniature,…

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Pug is a noble breed with a rich history, rooted in the deep past. There…


Bedlington terrier
Adorable dogs that look like sheep. Appearance The Bedlington Terrier is a small, graceful dog…


sinus inflammation

Boston terrier

Boston terriers are incredibly good dogs who are not grudging. They love to walk, play ball, communicate with the owner. Thanks to their cheerful disposition and friendliness, they immediately become the universal favorites of the whole family and never cease to please their hosts.
Boston Terriers are small, but very strong dogs with developed muscles. The maximum height at the withers of these dogs is 43 cm, and the weight is 11 kg. Continue reading

Kerry Blue Terrier
Kerry Blue Terrier is the national symbol of Ireland. Appearance Kerry Blue Terriers are strong,…


Russian hunting sighthound
Russian canine greyhounds are ideal hunting dogs, the national treasure of our country. Russian greyhounds…


East European Shepherd
The East European Shepherd Dogs are loyal and faithful dogs with developed intelligence that will…
