Beaver york
Beaver yorkies are ideal dogs for apartment keeping. Appearance A beaver york is a miniature,…

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Beaver york
Beaver yorkies are ideal dogs for apartment keeping. Appearance A beaver york is a miniature,…

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Cane Corso
Cane Corso are very intelligent, balanced dogs with an innate protective reflex and developed intuition.…


American Bulldog
Appearance General description for two varieties: American Bulldogs are stately dogs with a muscular, strong…


whole apartment


Pug is a noble breed with a rich history, rooted in the deep past. There are versions that pugs and mastiffs had common ancestors. For centuries, the popularity of intelligent pugs did not fade. They were the favorites of queens and the most talented musicians and today still continue to acquire more and more new fans. These are the perfect lapdogs, loyal and faithful companions, who will go to the ends of the earth for their master.
The pug is one of the most popular breeds of decorative dogs, as well as one of the most ancient. The height of the dogs at the withers is on average 30 cm, and the weight is 6-8 kg. Continue reading

Welch Terrier
Welsh Terriers are very initiative and always strive to be in the center of attention.…


Bedlington terrier
Adorable dogs that look like sheep. Appearance The Bedlington Terrier is a small, graceful dog…


Italian Greyhound (Italian greyhound)
Italian greyhound are friendly, friendly and energetic dogs whose character adapts easily to the owner.…
