Dalmatians are enduring, energetic and at the same time obedient and kind dogs, which are…

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Scottish Setter (Gordon)
Scottish setters are also called gordons. Dogs of this breed are classified as hunting. They…

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Sky terrier
Stately, noble dogs from the Scottish mountainous island of Skye. Description The Skye Terrier or,…


The appearance of the boxers embodies strength and power, but the character of these dogs…


expect congenital

Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai)

Alabayev rightly called the most fearless and courageous dogs in the world. Such qualities as courage and strength have been entrenched in the breed for centuries, and you can be sure that in the event of a threat, the Alabai coldly and with striking accuracy will rush to the attack.
The Central Asian Shepherd Dog (also known as Alabai) is one of the largest dog breeds in the world. The standard of the Central Asian Shepherd Dog combines several territorial varieties, and therefore is not so unambiguous. Continue reading

Bull terrier

Yes, initially the bull terriers were bred as a purely fighting dogs, and their main purpose was considered to be dog fighting and harassment of large animals. But times have changed, and manners have changed with them. Violent entertainment in the past, and the breed efforts of talented breeders was adjusted and adapted for home maintenance. Continue reading

Cane Corso
Cane Corso are very intelligent, balanced dogs with an innate protective reflex and developed intuition.…


Pug is a noble breed with a rich history, rooted in the deep past. There…


South African Boerboel
With the advent of children in the family, many people begin to think that pets…
