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The appearance of the boxers embodies strength and power, but the character of these dogs is docile and good-natured. It’s funny, but harsh at first glance boxers are ideal dogs for the whole family, responsible nannies, sensitive to children, and loyal friends.
A boxer is a stately, strong dog with well-developed muscles. At the global level, boxers are considered one of the strongest and strongest breeds, and these characteristics are fully reflected in their appearance.
The height of the boxer reaches 63 cm, and its weight – more than 30 kg. The body of the boxer is square-shaped, the bones are strong, the muscles are developed, relief, dry. The withers are highlighted, the back is muscular, straight and short, the croup is slightly sloping, the pelvis is rather wide. Limbs smooth and muscular. The neck is strong, powerful and muscular, the chest is developed and deep. The head is proportional to the body, the muzzle is voluminous, wide and powerful, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is sharp. The teeth are large, strong, the canines are wide apart, the lower jaw protrudes forward and slightly bends upwards, the type of bite: undershot. Eyes are dark, look energetic. The nose is large, with wide nostrils, black. Ears are set high, in a calm state adjacent to the cheekbones. The tail is set high, docked. Boxer’s coat is short, thick, tough and shiny. The color is usually tiger or red with a black mask, white markings are allowed.
The boxers have a calm, balanced temperament, at home these pets behave quietly and modestly, and during the walk they gladly join the active games and frolic from the heart. Boxers appreciate the care and always need the attention of the owners, trying as often as possible to be close to the main person for them. Despite the good humor and friendliness of family members, boxers are rather cold with strangers.
This dog will easily get along in the same house with a cat, but with another dog it will certainly conflict, since boxers are naturally snooty by boxers.
And boxers are pretty tricky dogs. Observing family members, they make conclusions for themselves: from whom it is possible to beg for yummy food, who can get on their knees, and with whom they should walk on the string. Thus, in raising this dog you need to be consistent and moderately firm, and from the first days of your pet’s stay in the house, you must inform him of what you can do and what you don’t.
Boxers show aggression only in extreme cases, they never bark and can only bark softly as a warning.
These dogs are naturally curious, smart, bold. They are easy to train, but the approach to training a dog must be correct.
In general, boxers are unpretentious pets, this is a great choice for inexperienced dog breeders and those who first decided to have a dog.
Health and Care
Boxers have a strong, developed body, but the health of these dogs cannot be called titanic. A harsh guard can easily catch a cold from the cold breath of the breeze and often seizes rheumatism, so long walks on rainy and cold days should be abandoned, and the pet should be thoroughly dried when it comes home.
But in good weather, long walks and strong physical exertion are absolutely necessary for the boxer, this is a guarantee of the dogs’ well-being, their activity and harmonious development. It is important that boxers are prone to obesity, so their diet should always be controlled. The sensitive eyes of the dog require increased attention. Boxers often have reddened eyes, which is a reaction to dust, seeds, etc. It is best to always take a clean handkerchief with you for a walk, in order to remove contamination from your pet’s eyes if necessary. Also consult a veterinarian: he will recommend a soothing ointment.
Unfortunately, boxers do not live very long, usually up to 10 years, but in some cases, with perfect care, these dogs live to 15 years.
The ancestors of the boxers were the Bullenbasers (translated as “biting the bulls”), pickling dogs, images of which can be seen on numerous sources of the 17th century. These dogs were common in Western and Central Europe, where they were used for both fighting and hunting.
But the Bullenbeisers only remotely resembled modern boxers, and the breed known to us now began to form only in the 18th century. It is believed that in the 19th century, German and English bulldogs were involved in breeding work in Germany, and the breed standard gradually began to take shape. With the ban on dog fighting, fighting qualities of the breed became irrelevant, and the breeders took the course for the development of working and sociable qualities. So, boxers have become excellent guards and shepherds, as well as good-natured pets. In 1910, the Shtokman family was introduced to the ideal boxer of the future, it was these breeders who managed to create a modern type of boxer.
Over time, the boxers almost lost the former fighting qualities and completely retrained as guards and domestic ones.

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