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Irish Setter

Irish setters are very intelligent, independent, agile and bold dogs with a developed hunting instinct and a high need for movement. They are ideal for active people and absolutely not suitable for those who are looking for a calm, domestic dog. Setter needs long walks and active games every day, and he is always infinitely happy with nature trips.
Irish Setters are perhaps one of the most beautiful hunting dogs in the world. They are well built and smart, they have a brilliant silky, long hair, their movements are free and expressive – in short, these dogs can conquer any heart.
Irish setters are medium sized dogs, with a maximum height at withers of 67 cm and a weight of 25 kg.
They have a harmonious, strong constitution, a proportional body, a long, deep chest, a straight, strong back, a muscular, slightly arched loin, a picked belly, long, muscular limbs, dense paws. The neck is muscular, dry, the head is elongated, light, the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is pronounced, the muzzle is elongated, the lips are tight. Eyes oval, set slightly oblique, color: dark brown. Nose is black or brownish-red. The ears are set at eye level, drooping, medium sized, thin, rounded at the tips. The tail is low set, medium length, tapering to the tip, kept at the top or below it. Wool is straight, silky, medium length, color is monophonic dark red-red, without impurities. There may be white markings on the throat, paws, chest, as well as on the forehead, crown and bridge of the nose (narrow grooves).
Setters are friendly, friendly and loyal, but they have a very strong, independent character, and the training of a setter is not an easy task. Obedience can be achieved only through competent, persistent, but mild training. A self-willed “Irishman” will never appreciate abuse, but he will respond to care and benevolence with trust and devotion.
These dogs are balanced, sociable, sympathetic and affectionate. With unfamiliar dogs, they quickly make friends, are the soul of the company and are friendly towards everyone. The Irish Setter will become the best friend of the same active, restless child and will happily share with him the most adventurous ideas.
Because of their places, even excessive friendliness, Irish setters are really worthless guards, because they traditionally joyfully greet everyone – including strangers. But when he calls or knocks, he will surely ring out loudly – who knows, maybe this barking frightened more than one thief?
The breed has a tendency to bloating, eye problems, epilepsy, unfortunately, there is a predisposition to cancer. However, as a rule, they are strong and durable dogs, whose life expectancy is on average 16 years.
Irish setters can live both in private homes and in apartments, but in either case they need daily loads.
In general, dogs need standard care. Special attention should be paid to wool (it should be combed daily) and ears, which should be regularly examined for otitis. It is recommended to bathe setters as little as possible so as not to spoil the coat. You also need to monitor the condition of the legs and claws. The hair between the fingers is usually trimmed, and the claws are shortened as necessary (carefully, do not touch the pulp!).
The history of the breed began quite a long time: red-colored cop dogs were popular in Ireland in the Middle Ages.
The first breed standard was described in 1885, and the first breed lovers club was founded in 1906.
Over time, from gambling hunters, Irish setters turned into responsible and loyal companions, and the hunting talents of dogs receded into the background. Today even today, setters are often used for hunting, but to a greater extent they develop their potential precisely as companions.
Interesting Facts
Irish setters have no undercoat, and even during shedding, pet fur will not bring trouble to the owners.
Setters are known for their proprietary stance. Seeing the game, the dog is pulled into a string and tensely stops, which looks very impressive.
Before hunting, the dogs of red color were attached to the neck with a white scarf, so that later, in the process of hunting, they would not accidentally confuse them with a fox. In the color lies another reason for the popularity of red-and-white pinto setters: they were clearly visible against the background of the undergrowth
Setter – from the English. set – on hunting slang means “make a rack”.
Irish Setters were Harry Truman and Richard Nixon’s favorite pets.

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