Boston terrier
Boston terriers are incredibly good dogs who are not grudging. They love to walk, play ball, communicate with the owner. Thanks to their cheerful disposition and friendliness, they immediately become the universal favorites of the whole family and never cease to please their hosts.
Boston Terriers are small, but very strong dogs with developed muscles. The maximum height at the withers of these dogs is 43 cm, and the weight is 11 kg.
The body of the Boston terriers is strong, square format, the chest is wide and deep, the back is short, the croup is slightly rounded, the limbs are muscular and strong, the legs are round and compact. The head is square in shape, the forehead is flat, the transition from forehead to nose is clearly defined, the muzzle is short and wide, square in shape. The jaws are wide and square, when the mouth is closed, the teeth are not visible. Nose is large, flattened, color: black. The eyes are large, round, dark. Ears are small, erect, set high, can be stopped. The tail is short, straight or with kinks, does not rise above the level of the back, low set. The coat is short, thin, smooth. Color: brindle, seal or black, with the front limbs partially or completely white, also white markings are located around the muzzle, as if circling it, on the gap between the eyes and on the chest. Plus are white socks on hind legs.
Boston terriers always keep themselves up and demonstrate good manners, they have even been called “American gentlemen”. Boston terriers don’t like to bark. They are always on the alert, but not aggressive. They interact perfectly with children and find common language with other pets. However, due to natural independence and stubbornness, the Boston Terrier may begin to show character in front of another dog, but such cases are rare.
Due to the natural stubbornness of a terrier, its training may not be the easiest exercise.
These dogs need to be raised from early childhood, and then they selflessly and with interest carry out the commands of the owner and family members. However, the training must be consistent and friendly. The Boston Terrier is a sensitive person, he is extremely hard on punishment and is very upset by severe reprimands.
The Boston Terrier is a very affectionate and friendly dog, which is also an excellent watchman.
In general, the breed is hardy and unpretentious, characterized by good health. However, dogs have a slight tendency to allergic reactions, sinus inflammation, cataracts, diarrhea, and flatulence.
Because of the specific structure of the face, terriers often snore. They also have very big eyes that are often injured and need careful care. In cold weather, dogs should be taken out for a walk only in special clothes and shoes.
The pledge of health of the Boston Terriers – proper nutrition. Excess weight significantly undermines the health of the Bostons, so the diet for them must be made very carefully.
Boston terriers are long-lived, with an average lifespan of 15 years.
The Boston Terrier is an ideal dog for housing maintenance, but regular walks with moderate load are necessary for it. As a rule, it is enough to walk with a terrier 2 times a day for half an hour.
Folds of skin on the terrier’s face should be wiped daily with a damp cotton pad or cloth. Wool is combed with a hard brush at least once a week. Terriers do not need frequent bathing, the pet’s cleanliness can be controlled by the state of white spots.
By the way, the terrier practically does not shed, which is an additional advantage of the breed.
The breed was bred in 1870 in Boston and was traditionally intended for dog fights. The ancestors of the Boston Terriers are the Bull Terrier and the Bulldog, as well as the French Bulldog, who joined the breed adjustment a little later. In 1871, the breed was first presented at a dog show in Boston, and in 1891 a breed club was founded in the USA.
Today, Boston Terriers have a lot of fans around the world.