Irish Setter
Irish setters are very intelligent, independent, agile and bold dogs with a developed hunting instinct…

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Miniature house dogs are famous for their exquisite appearance and brave temperament - an unexpected…

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One of the largest dogs in the world and the most ideal family pet! Newfoundland…


Japanese Akita Inu
Akita Inu is one of the most beautiful and unusual dog breeds in the world.…



Fluffy bears with affectionate and affectionate character.
Eurasier is a harmonious dog of medium size. Other names of the breed: Eurasian dog, Eurasian Spitz, Wolf Chow. Height at withers reaches 60 cm, weight – 32 kg.
Eurasier has a strong build, the format is slightly stretched. The back is straight, the chest protrudes forward, the croup is straight, wide, the neck is muscular. The head is triangular in shape, with a pronounced transition from the forehead to the muzzle, the muzzle to the nose is narrowed. The lips are thick, black, the eyes and the rim of the eyelids are also dark. Eyes set slightly askew. The ears are erect, of medium size. Triangular in shape with rounded tips. The tail is straight, held in the ring above the level of the back, pressed to the body.
The coat is of medium length, fluffy. Undercoat developed. Longer hair on the neck and tail forms feathering, on the limbs – pants. Color monophonic, with the exception of pure white and brown. Includes all shades of black, red, red and their clarified versions.
Breed Eurasier
Eurasier is an ideal family dog. Kind, calm and cheerful, she becomes the best friend of the owner and a caring nurse for children.
Eurasians are wary of strangers, but never show aggression without a reason. This is a talented caretaker from nature.
Eurasier may be too stubborn, so the breed is suitable for experienced dog breeders. Dogs need solid, but extremely friendly education.
Health and life expectancy
Eurasians have good health and strong immunity. With the right content, they rarely get sick. Average life expectancy is 13 years.
The breed of dogs Eurasia – a sample of neatness and cleanliness. The dogs by nature look well-groomed and closely monitor the condition of their fur coats. Grooming is easy. The dog must be regularly brushed and periodically bathed using appropriate means.
The ideal place to keep a Eurasian is a private house with its own courtyard. These sociable pets can not be kept on a leash and permanently left alone. They need to contact as much as possible with the owner, walk and play. When kept in an apartment, regular long walks are necessary for Eurasia as air.
Eurasier dog
The ancestors of the Eurasiera are Wolfspitz, Chow Chow and Samoyed. Only a very talented and beautiful dog could come out of a mixture of such breeds, and the Eurasians met all expectations. The breed was bred in Germany in the middle of the 20th century and gained FCI recognition in 1973.

Welch Terrier
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Beaver york
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Caucasian Shepherd Dog
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