Bull terrier
Yes, initially the bull terriers were bred as a purely fighting dogs, and their main…

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Scottish Setter (Gordon)
Scottish setters are also called gordons. Dogs of this breed are classified as hunting. They…

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Welch Terrier
Welsh Terriers are very initiative and always strive to be in the center of attention.…


Irish Setter
Irish setters are very intelligent, independent, agile and bold dogs with a developed hunting instinct…


private houses

Karelian-Finnish Laika

Karelian-Finnish huskies are very active, cheerful, brave dogs with a strong, independent character, developed indicative reaction and innate hunter instinct. Vigor, endurance, keen sense of smell and other versatile qualities of huskies allow using them as for hunting any beast: from the bird to the bear.
Karelian-Finnish huskies (another name for the breed is Finnish Spitz) are beautiful and very mobile hunting dogs of medium height. Height at withers reaches 50 cm, and weight – 14 kg. Continue reading

Kerry Blue Terrier
Kerry Blue Terrier is the national symbol of Ireland. Appearance Kerry Blue Terriers are strong,…


The Rottweiler is a dedicated, strong and courageous defender who is not afraid to trust…


Miniature house dogs are famous for their exquisite appearance and brave temperament - an unexpected…
