The poodles harmoniously combine beauty, intelligence, friendliness and optimism. These dogs have a sensitive and…

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South African Boerboel
With the advent of children in the family, many people begin to think that pets…

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Boston terrier
Boston terriers are incredibly good dogs who are not grudging. They love to walk, play…


The poodles harmoniously combine beauty, intelligence, friendliness and optimism. These dogs have a sensitive and…


dark brown

Italian Greyhound (Italian greyhound)

Italian greyhound are friendly, friendly and energetic dogs whose character adapts easily to the owner. The versatile pets will suit both active people, with whom they will be happy to share sports hobbies and long walks, and an elderly person, to whom they will be sensitive and delicate, but the dog should always have the opportunity to run and play.
Italian Italian greyhound are miniature, elegant dogs, the smallest greyhounds in the world, which are often called miniature replicas of the Greyhound. The height at the withers of these dogs does not exceed 38 cm, and the weight is 5 kg. Continue reading


Oddly enough, many people believe that Dobermans are dangerous, aggressive dogs. However, only those who are not personally familiar with this amazing breed think so. After all, despite the strict, imposing appearance, the Dobermans are friendly, completely non-conflicting dogs that are strongly attached to the owner and family members, get along well with small pets and are kind to children.
Appearance Continue reading

Welch Terrier
Welsh Terriers are very initiative and always strive to be in the center of attention.…


The Rottweiler is a dedicated, strong and courageous defender who is not afraid to trust…


Afghan hound
Afghan hounds are active and agile dogs who love to communicate with humans, other dogs…
