Bull terrier
Yes, initially the bull terriers were bred as a purely fighting dogs, and their main…

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Caucasian Shepherd Dog
Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are bold, bright and noble dogs, loyal to their family and suspicious…

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Ca de Bou (Major Mastiff)
When you meet Ca de Bou for the first time, you might think that this…


Cane Corso
Cane Corso are very intelligent, balanced dogs with an innate protective reflex and developed intuition.…


Monthly Archives: November 2018

Sealyham Terrier

The real ones belong to this breed – loyal and faithful – friends. Silikhem-terriers are very fond of their family members, they are loyal and selfless dogs who, if it were required, would accomplish any feats for the owners and, without hesitation, would sacrifice their lives.
Sealyham Terrier is a small harmonious dog, the maximum height at the withers of which is 31 cm and its weight is up to 11.5 kg. According to the standard, the height of the terrier at the withers corresponds to the length of the back. Continue reading


The Rottweiler is a dedicated, strong and courageous defender who is not afraid to trust his life. Spectacular and stately, he is a real pride of his master. However, this large, serious dog is suitable only for those who are willing to devote enough time to education and training.
The Rottweiler is a large, strong dog of the Molossian group. The height at the withers of these dogs reaches 68 cm, and weight – 50 kg.
Rottweilers have a powerful, but compact and proportionate body build, developed muscles, strong bones. Continue reading

Dalmatians are enduring, energetic and at the same time obedient and kind dogs, which are…


Wolf animals are very strong animals that can be true and loyal friends of man,…


Karelian-Finnish Laika
Karelian-Finnish huskies are very active, cheerful, brave dogs with a strong, independent character, developed indicative…
