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Chow chow

Chow-chow – a unique breed that has no analogues in the dog world. And the matter is not only in the dark blue language and straight limbs, which provide an unusual gait, but also in its distinctive character, and in simply stunning natural accuracy. If you have always dreamed of having a dog, but were afraid that because of employment you would not be able to spend enough time with it, then Chow Chow is the ideal breed for you! After all, these extraordinary dogs are quite comfortable alone with themselves, and they do not like the noise and abundance of people in the house.
Chow-chow – dogs with unusual appearance and no less unusual character. The debate about the origin of the breed continues today, and its history goes back over 1000 years.
But no matter who the ancestors of cheerful and cute pets are, today we know chow-chows as dogs of medium height (maximum height at withers 56 cm), dense constitution (weight up to 25 kg) and amazing appearance. The chow-chow has an interesting face, similar to a bear, standing little ears and a tail ring, strong limbs with straightened kneecaps and a blue-colored tongue (and why is still a mystery!).
Wool Chow Chow can be both long and short. It is straight, abundant and very thick – especially in the neck (forms a collar) and limbs (forms pants). The undercoat is soft and fluffy.
The color of the chow is monophonic: white, cream, fawn (yellowish brown), red and red, black, gray-blue. Some parts of the body are lighter than the main color. The presence of spots and multicolored colors are unacceptable.
Chow chow
The unusual appearance of the Chow Chow matches their character. These are self-sufficient, courageous and independent pets that cannot be ruffled.
Chow-chows prefer to be quiet (and even a little detached), almost never give voice, get used to a person for a long time and are wary of strangers, which makes them quite good watchmen.
However, the Chow Chow is incredibly loyal to his master (but he can ignore other family members). He is strongly attached to one person and feels the smallest fluctuations of his mood. In the family circle, this independent dog often behaves like a small, tender and curious little bear, but in neutral circumstances, people from the side of the Chow-chow seem harsh and overly serious. While giving their warmth to their loved ones, the chow-chow doesn’t like frequent guests in the house, and shows a barely concealed hostility towards other dogs.
As for walks, the Chow is not a very active breed, but they need daily long walks for proper development. In the presence of regular walks, the chow chow feels great in terms of housing.
The real cleanliness of these dogs is a real gift to the owners of the Chow Chow. On the street, they diligently bypass all the puddles, clean off the slightest dirt from the skin, never litter the houses, and besides, they do not smell at all. Also chow-chow is a wonderful pet for a person who rarely happens at home, because alone with itself this dog feels great.
This is such an amazing breed – a Chow Chow, unlike, perhaps, no other breed of dogs.
Chow chow
Chow has good health. With proper maintenance, these dogs rarely get sick. However, there is a risk of hereditary diseases, so before acquiring a puppy, you must carefully familiarize yourself with the pedigrees of its ancestors.
The average life expectancy of a Chow Chow is 12-13 years.
Chow chows feel good in an apartment and are by no means suitable for keeping on a chain. These little slow dogs like calm, but long walks, and preferably in solitary, low-noise park areas. Heat due to fluffy coats tolerate rather bad.
As for the care, it is standard. Chow-chows need a balanced diet, in no case can they be overfed. Thick wool combed daily. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the eyes, ears and claws, conduct preventive examinations at the veterinarian and routine vaccinations.
Chow-chow is one of the oldest breeds in the world, the birthplace of which is China. It is believed that the breed has remained virtually unchanged for over 2000 years, and now we know Chow Chows as they were at the time of their appearance.
Being pets today, in the past chow-chows were used as watchmen, as a force for hunting, as well as for military purposes. In addition, there are cases when chow-chow meat in China was used as a delicacy, and their skins were used to sew clothes. Fortunately, modern Chows avoid such an unenviable fate (at least we can hope for it).
In Europe, the breed spread in the 19th century, after the conquest of Beijing. Official recognition awaited her in 1894. Breeders have repeatedly tried to make adjustments to the breed, making the Chow Chow more sociable. But the unique nature of the unique dogs left with them.

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